Check out the features of YouTube Revanced APK. Also remember that some of the features are explained here. You can explore all the features by downloading and installing the app.

YouTube Revanced Features

Use as Secondary Youtube 

Did you know that you can use YouTube Revanced alongside the official YouTube app? You don’t even have to uninstall the original app from your device. This feature can come in handy if you prefer not to log in to YouTube ReVanced, but still want to browse new content on this app, while staying subscribed to your favorite creators on the official app.

Disable Ads

As mentioned earlier, YouTube Revanced offers users access to YouTube Premium features for free, including an ad-free experience. With this app, you can watch your favorite content without any interruptions from ads. Have you ever been in the middle of watching a video only to be interrupted by an ad? It can be quite frustrating. Fortunately, YouTube Revanced solves this problem by disabling ads altogether.

MicroG Supported

YouTube Revanced supports MicroG, which allows users to log in to your Youtube account within the app. By adding your account to this app, you can unlock its full potential, bringing all your subscribed channels, liked videos, watch later list, and all other content from your official app.

Premium Badge

The Revanced app features a premium badge on its header, which gives it a more authentic and stylish appearance, similar to having a purchased YouTube premium account. However, users can also utilize the Revanced apk to hide the official YouTube app.

Revamp Icon

With Revanced Youtube, you can customize the app icon to match your preferences. This feature allows you to access a wide range of customization options, so you can tailor the app to your specific needs with ease. Whether you want to change the app icon for personalization or branding purposes, Revanced offers full flexibility for customization.

Background Play

Similar to its predecessor, YouTube ReVanced also includes a background play feature. Many users want to be able to play videos in the background, but YouTube doesn’t allow this unless you have a premium plan. However, with this app, you can easily play videos in the background.

Sponsor Block

Nowadays, content creators often make sponsored videos because brands pay a high amount for them. They create a short clip and insert it into their content. However, watching sponsored videos can be very annoying for viewers. To solve this problem, you can switch to the ReVanced app. This app automatically detects sponsored clips in the video and removes them, providing you with a better viewing experience.

Dislike Button

After the 2021 update, YouTube removed the dislike button, and now, only content creators can see how many viewers dislike their videos. However, with the Youtube Revanced app, users can now view the number of likes and dislikes on a video. This feature allows you to easily decide whether you want to watch a video or not.


Most of the time, when you’re listening to your favorite music or song, it can be annoying when it ends and you have to manually pick up your phone and repeat the song. But what if I told you that this process could be automated with the Youtube Revanced? Yes, this feature is now available in the app, so you can sit back and let Revanced do it for you.

Remove Full-Screen Panels

The official app includes a description box and a comment section that appears below the video. However, many users do not like these panels in full-screen mode and want to remove them. With the ReVanced app, you can remove these panels and enhance your viewing experience.

Disable Youtube Shorts

YouTube has been a popular platform for long-form videos over the past years, but recently they launched “YouTube Shorts” that allows creators to make short videos and post them on YouTube. This has made creators greedy for views, and some prioritize quantity over quality. However, YouTube Shorts can be quite addictive, and you may not realize how much time you have consumed while watching them. Fortunately, with the ReVanced, you can easily disable the Shorts button and save your time.

Open Link Externally

When you click on a link in a video description, it automatically opens in the YouTube app, which can be a bit annoying. It would be helpful if YouTube provided the option to open links in an external browser. However, if YouTube doesn’t allow this, you can still use YouTube Revanced, which does allow you to open links in external browsers.

Retro Quality Interface

After recent updates, YouTube has changed its interface for changing the video quality. Now, to change the quality of the video, you need to go to Settings > Quality > Advanced before you can change it from 240p to 480p. This is a more complicated process than before. However, with this app, you can revert to the old-quality interface, making it easier to change the quality of your video by simply going to Settings > Quality.

Swipe Controls

This is a brand new feature of YouTube ReVanced. Now, you don’t need to click any buttons or slide the bar to adjust the volume or brightness. Instead, you can simply swipe up or down on the right side of the screen to control the volume and swipe up or down on the left side to adjust the brightness.

Copy Video Link Directly

Now, you don’t need to click on the share button and then copy the video link. In this app, there is a separate icon that allows you to copy the video link directly.

Hide Creator’s Watermark

A watermark is a small logo that serves as a symbol of the creator. Creators often add their logos to their videos to identify them and protect them from being stolen. However, sometimes the watermark can be distracting and we might prefer not to see it. In these cases, the Revanced app can help remove the watermark.

Enable Debugging

Youtube Revanced features an automatic debugging system that can identify errors such as slow loading, playback issues, and buffering. The system then works to solve these errors and provide you with a better viewing experience.